Into the Forest


She walked along the edge of the forest, dark and beautiful. Bright green moss covered rocks and fallen logs. Roots of trees snaked out and around and over and beneath. The undergrowth was lush. She followed the road for a distance, but the more time she spent alongside the wood the more she hungered to enter. Despite the darkness therein she was not frightened, rather, at peace as she gazed.

As she stepped within, almost immediately she found a deer trail and followed it. Truly lush and overgrown this forest was. She could not understand how the further she delved the more at ease she felt. She felt as she should, more herself than ever in her life before. She knew that anyone else would feel more and more isolated, surrounded by hostility. She had learned of the stories of this forest. Yet, she did not feel this way. She felt… at home.

Exhilaration filled her; energy, strength, joy. All of a sudden, she ran. Her golden hair streaking back, whipping, a laugh bubbling up from within. She closed her eyes and she could see the trail, in her mind, clearly. She knew this should seem strange to her, rather she felt it was as it should be. The paths and homes of animals shown within her, more easily seen than they would be with her natural sight. She was lighter on her feet, able to almost fly so as not to disturb the life surrounding her. She did not fully understand and for once, for the moment, she did not care. She did not know what her life would consist of after this moment, and for once, she did not mind.

She ran. She did not keep track of the time. At some point she became aware of others with her. She could sense them, though if she opened her eyes she could not see them. She knew they ran with her. She did not know them, though her ease did not shift. She sensed no danger. She had no desire to flee.

Still at ease, she was curious. She slowed. Those with her slowed. She noticed they followed the strides of one. Their movements just a fraction after his, which happened a fraction after hers. At her slower pace she could sense something more. Interest. Fascination. A spark of suspicion.

She slowed to a stop. They moved toward her, one in front of the rest. He moved around her. She could not see him clearly with her mind, not at all with her eyes. He circled her slowly once, then stopped in front of her.

She opened her eyes, and left them open for the first time in what felt like hours. A couple blinks and his eyes were open as well.

*note: unsure of source for the image above, which inspired this post*

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